A Moment To Reflect
In case you haven’t noticed, Silicon Valley real-estate is more insane than the line of basic girls waiting for a Starbucks Pumpkin Spice Latte right now. So, until we have a few million dollars to drop on a house we will continue to crawl over each other while getting ready in the mornings in our 450 sq. ft. rental. My city dweller friends can back me when I say things can get a little crowded when living in close quarters and it’s a constant battle to figure out ways to make your small space feel more open.
The illusion of more space is all about the lighting. You want to introduce as much natural light into your room as possible and one of the best ways to do that is by adding mirrors.
One of my favorite things about using mirrors is that they are appropriate for literally all design styles, you have to work to mess this up, y’all. From the most contemporary and industrial spaces to over the top frills that Elton John would say no to, mirrors are the little black dress of your house.
When looking at mirrors for your space try not to limit yourself to something above a fireplace or an entry hall decoration. I am in love with mirrors as oversized works of art, wall to wall installations, and even furniture pieces. I would be embarrassed to say how many mirrors I have in my TINY house – twelve. I think it is the finishing touch to every room and I love finding new ways to incorporate them into my designs.
How have you used a mirror to help brighten up a space?